How To Start Cosmetics Business In Nigeria And Other African Countries (Beauty Products, Lotions, Soaps Etc Complete Guide)

I will show you in this post how to start cosmetic business in Nigeria and other African countries and make real money.
Unlike what you can easily come by online, this post will be pointing out specific beauty products like body creams, soaps and oils that are currently in high demand all over Nigeria and Africa so you can know what and what to properly invest your money and make huge profits within a very short time.
So if you are ready to learn how to make money by opening a cosmetic shop today, just follow the guidelines in this post.
I am sure you must have wondered before now what is it about cosmetic business that makes it so lucrative? Well, let me show you below.
First, everyone likes to look good. Everyone of us!
I know you may be saying, “especially the ladies” in your mind right now but “hey, even the men likes to look good too.”
No one likes to look Forty when they are just in their mid-twenties. This is why everyone likes to properly take care of their skin by using good body lotions, soaps, oils and other things that makes the body glow.
The second reason cosmetics business is a very lucrative venture not only in Nigeria but also in other African nations is the fact that the products do not easily expire, like other goods.
Most beauty products come with a “life span” of about two to five years, giving you enough time to sell them.
If you are still contemplating which business to put in your money, I’d recommend you go for this one.
To cap it all, cosmetic products are very easy to come by, you can easily get them at a cheap price at Onitsha Main Market and in several Lagos markets for those in Nigeria.
With the good business relationship that is currently existing between our country and several other countries that manufactures beauty products like China, Singapore, India, Germany, USA, Greece etc, starting the business as an importer of cosmetics is also a very good idea.
Having known how lucrative this business is, let me show you how to start it and make a lot of money below.
Best Ways To Start And Make Real Money From Cosmetics Business In Nigeria 
1. Research On Products That Are In High Demand
Before you open your cosmetics shop, ensure you have done a proper research on products that are in high demand all over the country.
Apart from doing this online through search engines like Google, you can call some of your friends that are already in the business and enquire from them.
You can also get across to some of your friends in campuses (especially the ladies. Lol). Trust me, those students know so much about beauty products than the average people you will meet on the streets.
I have personally discovered that in our country, body lightening lotions and soaps sell faster than others that just maintains the body colour. Don’t ask me why!
This is the reason on Google, people search more for “how to lighten my skin” and “skin lightening creams and soaps” than “how to maintain my dark skin.”
I have also discovered cosmetics products like Nivea, Carrot Light, Almonds etc have great reviews online and moves very fast – especially in student areas.
2. Get A Shop In A Good Location
Cosmetics business needs a good location to be able to thrive.
A good location should be easily accessible, safe and has a good number of population around it.
You don’t need to have a business in an area that will take a lot to find. No, get the best location possible that you can find.
3. Create An Online Store For The Business
By now it should no longer be news to you that the world has gone digital. There is hardly anything you can think of that you can’t find information about it online.
This has made buying and selling of goods and services easier as almost everyday, people search through their phone, tablets and computers looking for where to buy whatever it is that they need.
You can take advantage of this by setting up an online store that is completely dedicated to selling of cosmetic products online.
Before you conclude it will take a lot to do this, may I suggest you read How To Setup A Professional Website In 15 Minutes Or Less. It’s a complete guide to setting up any type of website anywhere in the world. By reading that post, you will learn everything you need to setup a website yourself without much expenses.
If after going through the post on how to create a website you still feel you need a professional website developer to do the task for you at a very affordable rate, please see our Hire Us page.
4. Sell Only Genuine Products
One thing about selling only genuine products is that it helps build your reputation. No customer will like to go back to a place where the product sold to him or her was fake.
Don’t fall into the temptation of stocking your shop with fake products simply they are cheap and easy to come by. Let people know you for having original products and they will keep coming back for more.
5. Take Advantage Of Social Media
Social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so many others, are great places to let people know about your business.
Do not take this for granted at all. Create a Facebook Page for your business from your phone or computer and let people get to know more about it from there.
You can even run advertisements online using this social networks to boost your popularity and earnings.

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