Helpful Products For Handicapped Children


A Handicapped child is a child who has a physical or mental impairment that is likely to continue for a prolonged period of time and who as a result thereof is limited in activities pertaining to normal living as verified by objective psychological or medical findings. And is also a child with Developmental Disability.

In this post, I will show you some helpful products you can buy for handicapped children.

Handicapped children are usually of lawful school age but, due to physical, mental, or emotional characteristics or a combination thereof are not afforded the opportunity for all round adjustment and progress in regular classroom instruction but are rather given special instruction, special auxiliary services, or both, to achieve at levels proportionate with their abilities.

There are a variety of diagnoses: mentally handicapped, physically handicapped, autistic, deaf, blind, partially sighted, cerebral palsy, brain damage, and many more.

These special needs require accommodations so children can reach their potential, and assistive technology devices help children with disabilities achieve their goals. They make use of these products to do activities they can’t do on their own.

Children of a wide range of ages and disabilities count on these tools to make the world around them more accessible and comfortable.

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What then are these helpful products for handicapped children?

  • Communication devices

Also called Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices, are equipment people use to communicate without using verbal speech.

In addition to unaided communication, such as facial expressions and gestures, these tools can help people with communication disorders interact with others and improve their language skills.

Sensory products help children with sensory processing disorder and autism, engage their touch, smell, sight, taste, hearing, movement and balance.

They enhance the brain’s development while helping the child relax, remain calm and overcome fears in a warm and natural environment at home or school.

To be able to choose the best sensory integration and autism sensory products, you need to understand how these products work and the benefits they provide for children with sensory processing disorders.

  • Devices for visual impairments

Adaptive communication devices designed for people with visual impairments have features such as high-contrast, flashing lights or unique textures so the user can locate and use them.

These features help people with visual impairments use their device to have fun, communicate with others or activate another device.

  • Continence products

These are designed to help children with continence issues are essential. Larger nappies and swim nappies are also vital as well as a good changing mat.

  • Adaptive Art Supplies and Writing tools

Art can be an effective and powerful form of expression, especially when a child feels limited by a disability. Writing tools are designed to improve the handwriting of children with shaky handwriting due to involuntary movements.

  • Mobility Aids

Examples: wheel chairs, Adaptive Tricycle, Stool Scooters and Standing Equipment etc.

They are products developed for assisting with the child’s movement while promoting stability or when having difficulty holding up in an upright position.

  • IPads and tablets

These are fantastic for lots of children with special needs and can be used both at home and away.

They are entertaining – allowing your child to watch their favorite things wherever they want – and educational – with apps designed to help children with speech delay and fine motor skills. They really can be life changing.

Also Read: Top 10 best products for one-handed people

Final Words

These products are designed for children with disabilities with the goal of improving their lives. However, unlocking their potential goes beyond the devices, these children shouldn’t be left feeling like they have no independence or confidence.

They should have a strong support system from family and friends, who are ever ready to encourage and give them strength.

Image Credit: depositphotos

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