How to Attach Files in G-mail

 Are you searching online for how to attach files in Gmail? This is the right page for you.

It’s the 21st century and the world is faster than it has ever been. The saying that “the world is a global village” has never been more true. It has become possible to interact with individuals thousands of miles away from us and a lot of platforms have been introduced over the last few decades to further close the gaps in distance. G-mail is one of those super platforms designed for sharing information virtually over a lot of distance. Let’s talk about how to attach files in G-mail.

What is G-mail?

G-mail is a free email platform provided by Google to meet the communication needs of billions of users all over the world. Literally everyone with a device and even those without have a G-mail account. This email service is available on your web browsers or as applications, either on your Android phone or your iPhone. Some amazing facts about G-mail is that it was created by Paul Buchheit in 2004. It is also available in about 105 languages.

As of today, the Gmail service comes with 15 gigabytes of storage. This means that users can receive emails up to 50 megabytes in size, including attachments, while they can send emails up to 25 megabytes.

Why G-mail?

One of the major advantages of G-mail over other email platforms is its huge storage space. This space means that you can comfortably receive and send a lot of emails. There is also the fact that you can access this platform from wherever you are in the world with just internet connection. It is also compatible with any device. It’s super easy to maintain and very importantly, it’s absolutely free. For these reasons and more, it stands today as the most used email platform.

How to Attach Files in G-mail

To attach a file using an Android phone, you can follow these steps:

  • Open your G-mail application on whichever Android device you are using.
  • Tap on the compose icon. (It looks like a pen)
  • Tap the attach sign that looks like a safety pin.
  • Tap on “Attach file” or on “Insert from Drive”.
  • Choose the file that you want to attach.
  • Note: The size limit for files to be attached is 20mb.

To attach a file using an iPhone and iPad, you can follow these steps: 

  • Open your G-mail application on whichever iPhone or iPad you are using.
  • Tap on the compose icon.
  • Select the file you want to upload.
  • Note: To attach items, like images and .pdf files, from emails sent to you, choose a file in “Recent attachments.” You can send up to 25 MB in attachments

To attach a file using a computer, you can follow these steps: 

  • On your computer, go to Gmail.
  • Click Compose.
  • At the bottom, click Attach.
  • Choose the files you want to upload.
  • Click Open.
  • Note: You can send up to 25 MB in attachments. If your file is greater than 25 MB, Gmail automatically adds a Google Drive link in the email instead of including it as an attachment.

And that‘s how to attach files in G-mail for any device.

In Summary

Are you interested in knowing how to attach files in Gmail?

We have in this guide revealed the steps to follow to do that. I hope you find the information here useful.

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